made here. feel good. |
VOOS is a platform where designers, architects, fabricators, and end-users meet and interact.
We’ve created an extensive database with hundreds of the best furniture produced in New York City.
We also provide these additional services:
For design professionals
- Fabrication cost studies and estimates
- Access to wide array of local fabricators
For the end-users
-Custom furniture design and fabrication
-Custom interior remodeling, including all facets from conception to completion
-Design consultation, project management, installation oversight
We’ve created an extensive database with hundreds of the best furniture produced in New York City.
We also provide these additional services:
For design professionals
- Fabrication cost studies and estimates
- Access to wide array of local fabricators
For the end-users
-Custom furniture design and fabrication
-Custom interior remodeling, including all facets from conception to completion
-Design consultation, project management, installation oversight
718 218 8666
[email protected]
copyright © 2017 Voos Furniture - all rights reserved.
July 18, 2017
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